Who Am I?

My wife, Susan, and I settled here in Kalamazoo, MI in 1973 and have raised two sons and a daughter. We now have six grandchildren who all live very close by for which we are very grateful.

There is no formal education curriculum for a caricature artist. I was an art major in my undergrad days at Hope College in Holland, MI but caricature art is a talent I developed  on my own over time. I guess I always had a penchant for it. As a young boy, growing up in New Jersey, I had always thought it would be great to become a cartoonist, the next Charles Schultz. Years later when reality took over, I started off as a graphic designer and, at the point I became self-employed in 1990, I became much more active as a caricature artist. I still do some of both but my first love is caricature art.

  • Witty
  • Entertaining
  • Creative
  • Humble